Front cover image for The shyness & social anxiety workbook : proven, step-by-step techniques for overcoming your fear

The shyness & social anxiety workbook : proven, step-by-step techniques for overcoming your fear

There's nothing wrong with being shy. But if social anxiety keeps you from forming relationships with others, advancing in your education or your career, or carrying on with everyday activities, you may need to confront your fears to live an enjoyable, satisfying life. This new edition of The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook offers a comprehensive program to help you do just that. As you complete the activities in this workbook, you'll learn to: Find your strengths and weaknesses with a self-evaluation Explore and examine your fears Create a personalized plan for change Put your plan into action through gentle and gradual exposure to social situations Information about therapy, medications, and other resources is also included. After completing this program, you'll be well-equipped to make connections with the people around you. Soon, you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits of being actively involved in the social world. This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit - an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives
eBook, English, ©2008
New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, CA, ©2008
Problems and exercises
1 online resource (vi, 257 pages)
9781572246829, 9781608820719, 1572246820, 1608820718
Part 1. Understanding your social anxiety
Chapter 1. Shyness and social anxiety
Chapter 2. Why do you have these fears?
Chapter 3. Getting to know your social anxiety
Part 2. How to overcome social anxiety and enjoy life
Chapter 4. Making a plan for change
Chapter 5. Medications for social anxiety and social anxiety disorder
Chapter 6. Changing your anxious thoughts and expectations
Chapter 7. Confronting your fears through exposure
Chapter 8. Exposure to social situations
Chapter 9. Exposure to uncomfortable sensations
Chapter 10. Communicating more effectively
Chapter 11. Maintaining your improvements and planning for the future